Two Options to Live Stream the Echolink Net to aNONradio

This resource provides suggested configurations for a licensed ham radio operator to participate in the Echolink net while streaming the audio to aNONradio. Use only one of the following options per streaming session.
  • Assumptions:
    • Operator is an amateur radio licensed individual

1. VOIP Solution

Streaming Connection via VOIP
  • ensure voip is enabled in the aNONradio dj manage tool
  • call 1095@sdf (mute your mic)
Echolink Connection
  • open Echolink and connect to node 9229
  • minimize background noises
  • unmute voip mic
  • speak into the phone and the echolink mic simultaneously
  • ensure the phone picks up the echolink audio
Monitor Audio Levels
monitoring audio levels with mpv visualization to ensure phone is picking up echolink participants
mpv '--lavfi-complex=[aid1]asplit[ao][a];[a]showvolume[vo]' \

2. Pulseaudio OBS BUTT Solution (Linux)

Credit: NapoleonWils0n
Note: Run Echolink with either QTel or install and run the Windows binary using WINE
Requires: Pulse Audio, pavucontrol, OBS, BUTT, Echolink

Design Overview

        │ mic│
     │    └┘     │
     │           │
     │           │
┌────▼───┐   ┌───▼───┐     ┌───────┐                       
│        │   │       │     │virtual│                       ┌──────────┐
│echolink│   │  OBS  ├─────►  mic  │       ┌─────────┐     │ icecast  │
│        ├───►       │     └──┬─┬──┘ ──────►  BUTT   ├─────►          │
│        │   │       │        │ │          │         │     │ aNONradio│
└──┬──▲──┘   └───────┘        │ │          └─────────┘     └──────────┘
   │  │                       └─┘          
   │  │
 │ TECHLINK     │
 │    Node 9229 │
Setup a Virtual Microphone
  • Create a (1) virtual audio output device (e.g. "null sink") and a (2) virtual microphone (e.g. "virtual source") References: Pulse Audio Documentation for module-null-sink
    pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=Source
    pactl load-module module-virtual-source source_name=VirtualMix master=Source.monitor
  • Optional: Persistence Settings (survives reboot)
    • Create a configuration file ~/.config/pulse/
    # include the pulseaudio config file
    .include /etc/pulse/
    # null sink
    load-module module-null-sink sink_name=SourceA
    # virtual source
    load-module module-virtual-source source_name=VirtualMic

    Run the Application Stack
    • Launch Echolink
    • Launch BUTT
    • Launch OBS
    Configure OBS
    • Open Settings and select Audio
    • Advanced -> Monitoring Device -> Monitor of Null Output
    • Add a Source and select "Audio Input Capture (PulseAudio)
      Right click the source and ensure the device is your microphone
    • Click on the gear icon in the Audio Mixer for your new source and select Advanced Audio Properties. Set Audio Monitoring to "Monitor and Output"
    • Add a Source and select "Audio Output Capture (PulseAudio)
    • Click on the gear icon in the Audio Mixer for your new source and select Advanced Audio Properties. Set Audio Monitoring to "Monitor and Output"
    Configure Pulse Audio (Requires an optional GUI tool called `pavucontrol`)
    • Launch pavucontrol
    • Select the "Recording" tab of the Pulse Audio Volume Control Window You should have 5 entries (Echolink, Virtual Source Stream of Virtual Source VirtualMix on Monitor of Null Output, OBS: Audio Input Capture, OBS: Aduio Output Capture, ALSA plug-in [butt])
    • Configure the from entry for each device as follows:
      Echolink <- (Select your microphone device)
      Virtual Source Stream <- Monitor of Null Output
      OBS: Audio Input Capture <- (Select your microphone device)
      OBS: Audio Output Capture <- Virtual Source VirtualMic
      ALSA plug-in [butt] <- Virtual Source VirtualMic
    Configure BUTT
    • Expand Settings
    • "Main" tab: Server Settings: ADD -> Name: SDFARC; Type: IceCast; Address:; Port: 8010; Password: ?; IcCast mountpoint: sdfarc; IceCast user: sdfarc Contact the anonradio mailing list for help with the password.
    • "Audio" tab: Audio Device: pulse; Channel: Stereo; Samplerate: 44100Hz
    • "Audio" tab: Streaming: Codec MP3; Bitrate 192k
    • "Main" tab: Configuration: Save
    • Close Settings; Click the play icon to start streaming to the /sdfarc mountpoint